A huge thank you to the Kiwi Gaming Foundation for their amazing support - we truly appreciate it!
We hope everyone has had a lovely break. Just a reminder that Parklands Toy Library reopens next week on Wednesday 22nd of January at 10am.
We are now closed for the Christmas and New Year period.
From everyone here at Parklands Toy Library, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
We re-open Wednesday 22nd January 2025.
We will look forward to seeing you all then!
A huge thank you to Christchurch City Council''s Strengthening Communities Fund for their amazing support- we truly appreciate it!
Thank you to Christchurch Casino for their amazing support - we truly appreciate it!
We are truly grateful to Brendon Pierce (one of our amazing toy library members) for thinking of us when Arizto Real Estate was looking to sponsor an organisation.
They purchased this sturdy and exciting multi-use trestle and walk board which we know will be a huge hit with our families.
Thank you Arizto Real Estate for your generosity.
Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori
Matariki is an abbreviation of ‘NgāMata o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea’ meaning ‘The eyes of the God Tāwhirimātea’. It refers to a cluster of stars that rise in the middle of winter, known as the Pleiades and marks the beginning of the Māori New Year.
We hope you have a chance to:
Whakamaumahara - take time to remember those who have gone before us
Whakanui - celebrate with your whānau and friends
Whakariterite - prepare for the year to come
This week is National Volunteer Week, a massive shout out and THANK YOU to all our volunteers.
Thank you so much for all your hard work!
Join us at our AGM on Wednesday, 12th of June at 7.30pm.
The AGM will be no longer than 30 minutes and light refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Our Toy Library is bigger than ever and we would love more people to join our committee to help keep things running smoothly.
So come along and find out how the year has gone and what our upcoming plans are.
As Daylight Savings has ended, we will be shortening our opening times on Thursday evenings to 5.30pm - 6.30pm.
This starts tonight.
New toys for the New Year!
A huge thanks to One Foundation for the grant we received which enabled us to purchase 3 brand new Micro 3-wheel scooters for our younger children.
We truly appreciate your support!
We are now closed for the Christmas and New Year period.
From everyone here at Parklands Toy Library, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
We re-open Wednesday 24th January 2024.
We will look forward to seeing you all then!
We will be closed from the
16th December 2023
to the
24th January 2024
A huge thank you to the Community Organisation Grants Scheme for their amazing support- we truly appreciate it!
A huge thank you to Christchurch City Council’s Strengthening Communities Fund for their amazing support- we truly appreciate it!
A huge thank you to the Aotearoa Gaming Trust for their amazing support - we truly appreciate it!
We will now be open until 7pm on Thursday evenings!
A huge thank you to Kiwi Gaming Foundation for their amazing support - we truly appreciate it!
A massive thank you to Bunnings Warehouse Shirley for donating all of these goodies that help keep our toys in tip-top shape for members to enjoy!
We are very excited to show off our refurbished toy library looking so much brighter!
The Toy Library will be closed from the 10th May for refurbishments.
We are unsure how long it will take but we are optimistic it will only be a few weeks.
We will keep you updated about reopening.
Our Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday night.
Come on down to the toy library at 6.45pm to meet your Committee and find out more about what's involved in running the toy library!
The Toy Library will be closed this Saturday but will reopen as usual on Wednesday 12th April.
If you would like to return your toys sooner and collect some new ones for the long weekend, we will be open Thursday 6th April, 5.30pm - 7.00pm.
Come and see us on Sunday in our usual spot near the tractor playground. We''ll have a selection of large toys and ride ons available to try.
Today was our very first session for 2023 and it was fabulous to see everyone!
We are now closed for the Christmas and New Year period.
From everyone here at Parklands Toy Library, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
We re-open Wednesday 25th January 2023.
We will look forward to seeing you all then!
As of the 1st of September 2022, we will be increasing our membership fees. This will be the first increase in quite a number of years and will help us meet the increased cost of operations.
Full Membership - $90 for the year
Half Membership - $45 for half a year (6 months)
Duties Membership - $45 for the year plus 4 rostered duties
Casual Membership - $30 for 4 hires over a 12 month period
The Toy Library will be closed on Saturday 25th June.
If you would like to come in and gather up some toys to see you through the long weekend, we will be open Thursday 23rd June, 5.30-6.30 pm.
Come to our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 9th June at 6.45pm and have your say about Parklands Toy Library.
Just a reminder, Thursday evenings will now have an earlier closing time of 6.30pm.
The Toy Library will be closed on Saturday 16th April.
If you would like to come in and gather up some toys to see you through the long weekend, we will be open Thursday 14th April, 5.30-7.00 pm.
It’s Toy Library Awareness Week! This week is all about celebrating Toy Libraries, our volunteers, TOYS and the amazing communities we are a part of.
To celebrate Toy Library Awareness Week we are giving away prizes of $10 toy hire credit and thanks to the lovely team at Green Bear Parklands Library we have $5 vouchers up for grabs (which is just the right amount for a cinnabun). We will also be organising a few fun things for our members so we can share the love with more of our community.
Welcome back everyone!
Today was our very first session for 2022 and it was fabulous to see everyone today.
We are now closed for the Christmas and New Year period.
From everyone here at Parklands Toy Library, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
We re-open Wednesday 19th January 2022.
We will look forward to seeing you all then!
4 Great Reasons to Use a Toy Library!
We close for our Summer break on Thursday 23rd December and re-open on Wednesday 19th January.
We will now be open until 7pm on Thursday evenings!
With the move to Level 2, the toy library will be re-opening on Wednesday the 8th at 10am
As you can imagine it won't quite be business as usual, so here is some important information for how we will operate at Level 2.
For this week at least we will be operating with Click and Collect ONLY. All toys can be booked through our website.
As you are all aware we are in a 3 day lockdown at Level 4 during which we will be closed. We will only be opening on Saturday if we are at Level 1 or 2. If we are at Level 2 social distancing will apply with limits of 2 people/families into the library at a time.
All toys currently on loan will be extended free of charge until we are able to open again.
Stay home, stay safe, and look forward to seeing you all again soon!
Donate, don't waste!
Do you have good quality toys to donate that your tamariki have outgrown or no longer play with?
We will gladly accept them.
It is our mission to reuse the same toys over and over again and if we can make a difference by reducing the amount that goes to landfill as well as helping to reduce clutter & waste in your home then it is a win all round!
The Toy Library will be closed on Saturday 3rd April.
If you would like to come in and gather up some toys to see you through the long weekend, we will be open Thursday 1st April, 6 - 7.30pm.
Fingers crossed for some amazing weather. Whether you are inside or out, we hope you enjoy some quality time with your family (and some yummy chocolate 😉) over this long weekend.
It’s Toy Library Awareness Week! This week is all about celebrating Toy Libraries, our volunteers, TOYS and the amazing communities we are a part of.
The theme for 2021 is Let’s have some fun!!
Last year was a tough one, and what better way to celebrate our Toy Libraries than to showcase the fun our Toy Libraries bring our tamariki and communities.
Thank you to FreshChoice Parklands for a $100 grant towards operating essentials. This meant we were able to get: printer ink and paper, laminating pouches, glue for repairs, and batteries for toys. All things that we need to have on hand to keep the toy library running smoothly.
Welcome back everyone to the Pegasus Toy Library!
Today was our very first session for 2021.
It was fabulous to see everyone today, many familiar faces as well as some new.
Just to let you know we had a few successful grant applications at the end of last year which enabled us to purchase some exciting new outdoor toys. Check them out under New Toys in the Toys dropdown menu.
We are now closed for the Christmas and New Year period.
From everyone here at Pegasus Toy Library, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
We re-open Wednesday 20th January 2021.
Will look forward to seeing you all then!
Even though we know what is inside, it is still so exciting to open up a new toy delivery!
Borrow don't buy this plastic free July!
Join your local Toy Library to minimise waste.
The Pegasus Toy Library Management Committee will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 30 June at 7.30pm in the toy library.
All members are welcome to attend! This is a great opportunity if you''re interested in finding out more about what we do. As always, if you''re keen to join us please come along!!
The future of your library is reliant on members putting up hands and getting involved.
As of tomorrow the country will be in Alert Level 2 which means we are very happy to let you know that the Toy Library will be re-opening next week on Wednesday 20th May at 10 am.
As you can imagine it won''t quite be business as usual, so here is some important information for how we will operate at level 2.
We are really looking forward to being open again and hope that we can make this work for everyone. If you have any concerns or queries please don''t hesitate to contact us.
As the time gets closer for the country to enter Level 2 we have been having a look at what this might look like for the toy library. Obviously this will depend on the specifics that will be released with the next Government update on Monday 11th May.
Some degree of social distancing will still be necessary so we will probably have to limit toy library access to one family at a time. This may work on an appointment system and/or a process of waiting in your car and we text or message you when you can come in.
An option we are looking at is click and collect. This will mean that you can browse and select online and we will have the toys ready for you.
We will send out another email next week once we have finalised our level 2 opening procedures.
Hope to see you soon!
In response to the government advice released yesterday on containing the COVID-19 virus, we have decided to close the toy library.
We have sent out an email to all members outlining some key points regarding toy hire. If you did not receive the email please contact us at pegasustoylibrary@hotmail.com
The library will be opening for a final special session tomorrow evening (Monday 23 March) from 6-8 pm for anyone who wishes to return and/or hire toys.
We know these are uncertain and unsettling times for a lot of people, and we want to reassure you that the health and well-being of our members are our top priority.
We are still opening as usual as we want to continue to deliver our service for as long as possible.
We are monitoring this situation carefully and will keep everyone updated should things change.
Returning toys to the library:
Thank you and take care.