Privacy Act: I understand that these details will be added to the Toy Library membership list and used only for toy library business.
Liability Clause: I assume complete and full responsibility for any and all injuries caused to any person or property which may result in whole or in part from using toys I borrow from this toy library. I also release the toy library from any and all liability of any kind.
Helmet Waiver: The Parklands Toy Library makes bicycles and scooters available to members, however they do not provide protective clothing or bicycle helmets. I acknowledge that the safety of the children using this equipment is my sole responsibility and release the toy library from liability of any kind.
Responsibility Clause: I understand that all toys borrowed from the toy library remain the property of the toy library at all times. I undertake full responsibility for any items borrowed and commit to return all items on time and in the same condition they were hired; this means items must be cleaned before return, breakages must be reported, and the cost of repair may be charged, and lost items will be charged $5.00 per piece or the cost of replacement, whichever is greater.
I understand that failure to return the toy library's property after 8 weeks would constitute a complaint of theft to the police.
Rules of Membership: I agree to abide by the following rules and any subsequent rules notified by the toy library.
- If you have paid the $45 membership fee you will be required to work 4 sessions in the library per year.
- Failure to do so will result in a charge of $11 per session not completed.
Overdue Toys
- Toys are considered overdue 8 days after their due date.
- Members will be contacted when toys are overdue.
- Members will incur a fine of $2.50 per week per toy.
- If you are unable to return them on time and to avoid any fines, please contact our librarian to renew the toys.
Missing Pieces/Containers/Bags/Instruction Sheets
- A charge of $5.00 per piece is made. If the piece is returned within a reasonable time the fine will be refunded.
Lost, Broken, Stolen or Irreparably Damaged Toys or Toy Pieces
- If a toy is returned broken you will be asked to contribute towards purchasing a new piece or toy.
- If a toy is lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair, you will be invoiced for a replacement toy. Each case will be dependent on the toy’s age or condition.
- We endeavour to hire out toys in a clean, hygienic state and require them to be returned in the same condition.
- If a toy is returned in a poor state we will ask you to clean it or you may incur a $5 fine.